Portrait Painter Magazine

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For the serious portrait painter ...

A new issue every month featuring the technical nuts & bolts of painting portraits in oil. Whether you are a beginner unsure of how to begin a portrait -- well, you begin with striking the BIG shape. That's where the likeness and expression resides -- or a seasoned painter looking to push your painting to the next level -- i.e., the rhythmic interplay of fractal recursions and cool/warm color relationships -- the needs of the serious painter are addressed.


... you don't need to subscribe, but why risk missing an issue? Back issues are $27.


Upcoming Zoom Workshop

Painting John Singer Sargent's Lady Agnew of Lochnaw

Learn John Singer Sargent's painting process beginning with striking the arabesque with a few, succinct strokes of charcoal and serving up the initial half-tones in the abstract. Those are Sargent's words.

From there you will proceed with tiling and spotting-in the color/value notes and planar forms, learning to see through the eyes of a sculptor. Working general to specific the portrait emerges.

My upcoming, four session, Portrait Painting Zoom Class begins Tuesday, March 25 @ 18:30 PST and continues to April 15th.

Class is limited to eight participants.

In addition to the Zoom recording the workshop is filmed in ultra-resolution video and is your's to keep.

Write me at michael-britton-workshops@artacademy.com for the syllabus and supply list and to register.

Sargent Lady Agnew Workshop

In the first session you'll learn how to strike the big shape, mix realist flesh tones from a limited palette and how to place the features. As importantly, you'll learn how to recognize drawing errors and to correct them.

In the second and third sessions the portrait is refined and rendered to achieve a solid 3-dimensionality.

The final session unifies the portrait so that it breathes life and expression.